Capitalizing on Your Intelligence Style
Part 1: Guardians' Logistical Intelligence
By The College Advisor
Guardians have a natural intelligence in logistics - making sure the right thing is in
the right place at the right time. However, natural ability benefits from being exposed
to tried-and-true training in logistics skills demonstrated in various majors. The
logistics of performance arts is different from the logistics in computer science.
Guardians benefit when they think of courses in terms of logistical knowledge. All four
types of Guardians emphasize different aspects of logistics intelligence.
Supervisors (ESTJs) have directing logistical intelligence and enjoy a chance
to lead. They have a natural talent for planning and for getting people to commit to
action. They also have a talent for seeing how to get things done more quickly than
some other types. They rely on proven methods to be effective.
Ariceli majored in civil engineering and thought she would have great job
prospects. She was particularly impressed with how much planning needed to go into
major engineering projects and how each needed to be planned out ahead of time to keep
the project to a tight time schedule. She thought she would be particularly good at making
sure that people kept to an effective schedule. If you're a Supervisor, how does your major
help develop your directing logistical intelligence?
Inspectors (ISTJs) have sequencing logistical intelligence. They can easily
design any process which has steps. They use their marvelous memory for storing many
examples of how things work. They make sure resources are fairly allotted and preserved.
Their sequencing is so precise that they have an eagle eye for discrepancies and errors and
find inaccuracies personally embarrassing.
Lincoln was majoring in computer science. He liked working by himself. When he first
started writing code, he did it in pieces. As he learned more, he saw that if he developed
subroutine code in a particular linear sequence, it was more effective in achieving his end
goal. He saw how he could develop concise and well-organized libraries that he later could
combine in effective ways to make code clearer and more efficient. In time he was able to
look at hundreds of lines of code and spot flaws in logic or syntax. If you're an Inspector,
how does your major help develop your sequencing logistical intelligence?
Providers (ESFJs) have social logistical intelligence which allows them to promote
smooth social relations for everyone. Providers don't want anyone to be left out; they
prefer social harmony. They are good at planning events and naturally add touches that
celebrate social traditions.
Tim majored in business. In his freshman year he was instrumental in setting up a
study group in his fraternity to help himself and others do well in certain business
classes. He was known in that group for spotting social connections for business
opportunities. Tim's professors emphasized the need for developing connections to
increase the number of good job offers. Tim took this advice seriously and planned
ahead by joining in a business academic club which fostered connections into the business
community. If you're a Provider, how does your major help develop social logistical
Protectors (ISFJs) have preserving logistical intelligence. Protectors keep both
people and things safe. They don't like waste. Protectors will do whatever it takes to
make sure there are no problems. Protectors notice when people are not comfortable and
will act to change the situation.
Dema majored in graphics design. She'd always been told she was a good artist. Once
she got to college, she wondered if she was creative enough. Some classmates seemed to
spontaneously produce elaborate, eye-catching designs while Dema took the time to plan out
what she wanted to do. Once she had decided what she was trying to communicate to her
audience, she could execute it quickly. She took under her wing students who were having
problems in any art class and helped the instructor clean up any messes at the end of
class. When the college had an exhibition, her graphics were praised for having clean
lines and giving the viewer a sense of being at home. She now has a job offer pending
for when she graduates. If you're a Protector, how does your major help develop
preserving logistical intelligence?
Each of the other 3 temperaments also has a strongest intelligence suit: